Thursday, June 18, 2009

Driving Back To My Childhood

I left for my rendezvous with Jonathon today at 6am. I woke up at 4:30am so that I could gather the rest of my stuff and be off early. I was aiming for 5am but that didn’t work out how I planned. Hey, an hour behind schedule for my first trip, that’s good. lol. The weather was beautiful! I grabbed my point-and-shoot camera out of my purse just so I could take photos while I drive and that I did. lol. I took a total of 103 pictures today! But you should have seen those clouds! They were gorgeous! With the mist/rain and the sun behind them … I know God loves me because he gives me scenes like this. I even pulled over at one point just to take a photo. lol. I don’t usually do that. Here a few (I mean it!) of my favorite shots of the day!

According to Google Maps I drove 714 miles. I wasn’t planning on going through Arizona at all during this trip but since I didn’t turn when I needed to I ended up taking a different route and going through Arizona instead of Colorado. lol. This is the route I took.

After I got here I checked-in to my hotel and texted Jon, called Dad, and texted Laura to let them know I was here. I brought my stuff to my room, which I really like. Jon took me by Arby’s so I could get something to eat. That sandwich was so good. And the Mountain Dew … that caffeine really hit the spot. It tasted so good! We then went back to his apartment where he finished some homework and I ate while watching some old Knight Rider episodes on DVD. (Jon LOVES that show! lol.) Then we went to his friend’s house (her name is Tami) and watched Top Gun. I haven’t seen that movie in so long. I forgot how good it is.

And now I am about ready for bed. I just have to brush my teeth and give thanks to God for giving me such a wonderful day and then I can let the Groban bite. rotfl. (Umm … only a Grobanite would find that funny. Don’t let the bed bugs bite … Don’t let the Groban bite … or do depending on your mood. lol.)

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