Saturday, July 12, 2008

Be One With Your Camera!

I was looking at random photo blogs and I came across one that had a tutorial on how to change your color photo into black and white using Photoshop. That really irked me. For a while I have tried to hold my thoughts in about Photoshop but right now I need to tell you how I feel. Although I can see how Photoshoping your photo can make them "perfect" I feel like that takes away the feel of TRUE photography. I have always liked photography due to the fact that you can capture moments in time IN THEIR TRUE FORM. I feel that people who use Photoshop (or other "photo fixing" software) are just insecure with how to USE their camera. It took me many weeks to be comfortable with my camera. And I am still learning about the different features that it is capable of. I love the way that I can edit my shots directly on the camera and don't take anything out of my shots. If I don't want something to be in a shot I try and find a different angle. For example, when I was in San Diego at some flower gardens I took a picture of a water lily. Near the water lily was a blue bottle cap. That is not natural and not what I wanted in the photo. So I moved the shot to the left. The bottle cap was no longer in the shot and I think I actually got a cooler shot than the one before. By the way, I can make my photos black and white by putting my camera on Manuel mode, going to My Colors and pushing B/W. It is that simple.

I am sorry if anyone is offended by this post. I would like to know how you feel about Photoshop. If you feel the need to rant to me about it (or this post) and would not care to publicly comment feel free to send me an email at

1 comment:

  1. By the way, I can make my photos black and white by putting my camera on Manuel mode, going to My Colors and pushing B/W. It is that simple.
    What you are doing there is exactly the same thing as doing it in PS. The camera is turning it into B&W in software... but you don't have the option to go back. In the digital era, everything starts out in color, then you change it. Ansel Adams considered a negative to be raw material for a print. What he did in the darkroom was just as important as what he did in the camera. The darkroom is now in our computers. You crop, make things lighter or darker, make color corrections... just like in the old days. Only now you can do so much more.


Thanks for leaving me a comment. I appreciate your thoughts a bunch.

