Thursday, April 30, 2009

Camera Lenses and NM

So I have been thinking about getting another lens for my camera. I can't really decide on which one. I really love macro photos and love attempting them with my current lens. I could do so much more with a macro lens. I was also thinking about a wide-angle lens. I've heard that they are really nice to shoot ... well, wide-angle photos. lol. I also was thinking about getting some sort of zoom lens. I was thinking that would be fun. You know what would be nice if there was some sort of zoom/macro lens. I would buy that. I think I am going to get a macro lens since I love close-up shots so much. I don't know if I'll be able to get one before I go to New Mexico but that would be really fun if I could. Canon lenses are really expensive but so worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you were going to New Mexico. Why and when?


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