Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Laptop Musings

So since I have been getting more into my photography I have wanted to buy a laptop to do editing on and to store them and such. I also wanted to be able to blog everyday. So therefore I would need an Internet connection, which isn't hard to get nowadays. lol. I have looked at NewEgg to just browse through their selection of computers and I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm not a computer geek and know exactly what size memory I should get and what the CPU should be. I may sound like I do but that's what you get for having nerdy friends and four brothers who love video games. I have no idea what I'm talking about. lol. Anyways, what I want in layman's terms ... a small laptop with a full keyboard (that includes the numbers keypad on the right; I use that a lot), light in weight, color: green or white or red (white being my first choice, green being my second choice), enough space for all of my photos in raw form and edited form, fast Internet capabilities, a webcam (not required but I think that would be fun), Windows Microsoft Office (I don't really want to use something other then Microsoft Office, as that is what I have always used), and I suppose I could tell you more if I was asked the right questions. Off the top of my head that's what I got. I don't really care about who makes the computer. I don't care if Hewlett Packard or ASUS makes the computer I just want one that will last me a few years with a company that I can trust.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck finding a PC that will store plenty of RAW images and that will let you edit them easily. I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend a mac.. pretty much the standard as far as graphic design/photography is concerned. It's a really really good investment.


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