Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun

Brian didn't know what to put on his first eggs so he made a bird's nest. lol. It's pretty ingenious.

Brian and his alien egg. The alien's eyes are really thick glow-in-the-dark crayon. And it really does glow-in-the-dark!

Eric being a dork. lol.

Eric's eggs. Can you tell his an artist?

My batch of eggs. I like my Yoshi egg (the green one with white dots).

But I love my bright red egg. It took forever to make it that red. lol.

Chad can be so egotistical sometimes. lol. Just kidding, Chad. You know I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Haha... that is funny! And I like the "you make me sick" in the background. Haha!


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