I have been really down on myself this last week. I have been trying to find a friend of mine from high school. And I feel like I have looked everywhere via Internet. I have looked on classmates.com, MySpace, Facebook ... I have googled her ... I don't know what else to do. Kristine, I need to talk with you. Please, God, just let me find her before I do something I really shouldn't. I feel like I need to move out of my house. And now that I have money coming in I feel like I can look into that more. But Dad needs to get rid of some assets so I am buying the Honda. I was going to do that anyway when I turned 21, which is in a few months. But he needs me to buy it now while they are talking to the bank about ColdStone. My name has been put on the title so I suppose that I do own it now. I haven't paid anything yet. Dad says I can pay him a little each month up until June. I really just want to pay him as much as I can now so that as soon as I can I will be able to start saving for my own place. What I really need to do is to get a complete change of scenery. Hopefully, moving out will help me do that. I need to take a step back from my life right now. Chad, can I come and stay with you guys for a bit. I am kidding about that, although that would probably help my sanity right now. I don't know where my life is going. School is slow and I just want it to be done. So many things are tying me down to Utah. I have to finish school which will take at least another year. My entire family is here ... but they are the ones I need a break from. Maybe I'll take a trip and go visit some Grobanites. That would be fun. I am sure that Anja would love for me to visit her in Croatia. I could take a week or two off from work and fly over there and recharge. How's that sound, Anja? Can I come visit you? On a somewhat happy note, David Foster's website has been redone. I have been wanting a new websites for months. But to tell you the truth I don't think I like this new setup. I loved the old pictures. They were so hott. Although some of the new ones are pretty hott too. lol. Oh my goodness, now everyone knows that I think David Foster is hott. lol. Well, he is so just back off the age factor. I know he is in his 60s. That does not stop me from saying that he is so hott. I love when he plays the piano. Oh, and his singing is divine. He is no Josh Groban but I still love him. And speaking of Josh we got a Thursday surprise this week and they are four of the hottest pictures I have ever seen of Josh Groban. I love the third one. He just looks so cuddly and I said on the boards and I will say it here ... That suit is gorgeous and makes Josh look amazing. I just want to hug that man. Right now would be a really nice time to get a hug. I don't really like myself right now. I don't really know why. Amber, I love your music. I am listening to it and it is making me feel better. But that could also be because I am writing a freaking novel. Sorry people. If you get to this point I congratulate you. lol. Oh, on FOJG I revamped my signature. I was tired of the old one. It now has that picture of Josh I love so much. It makes me smile. Maybe that's why I am having a difficult time right now. This Internet connection is so slow. I was on FOJG earlier and I couldn't stand how slow it was. I had to log off. And I didn't really get a great night's sleep last night. No scratch that ... all week. You know half an hour of free-writing actually helped me. Thanks for listening. lol.