Friday, March 07, 2008

Antsy Me

I got an email telling me that two of the books I ordered are in the store. I don't want to go get them until all three books are there. I needed something to read because I was getting antsy. So I started to read the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. I have finished the first two. I have to go to the library and get the other five. We only own The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian. They are such an easy read that I can read them really fast. I read all of Prince Caspian last night.

Tomorrow is going to be so much fun. I am going to a Ten Tenors concert! They are so awesome. I saw them when they came to Colorado a few years ago. This time Mom and Dad can go and see why I like them so much. Well, they might not understand that I think ten guys who sing and have gorgeous Australian accents are worth listening to. But hey. They are worth seeing live once...or twice. I wonder if I can bring my camera? Hmm, we'll try and hopefully they don't take it away.

I know at Josh Groban's concert he doesn't mind cameras and lets people take pictures as long as you don't use the flash. He says he gets headaches from the flashes. Most of the time the Grobanites are very courteous and obey the rules. Sometimes the venues don't allow cameras and then the fans get in an uproar until Darren, Josh's security guard, comes out and tells them it is okay. Thankfully, at the Salt Lake concert we had no problems. They didn't even check bags. Which I thought they were going to do. They just scanned our tickets and told us to have a fun time. The bad thing about reminiscing about the concert is I now have PCD (Post Concert Depression) and I really want to go and see Josh again. I can't wait until the concert DVD comes out in April. It was recorded at the Salt Lake concert! I was there! My first Josh Groban concert and I can watch it over and over again.

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